Three decades of compounded mistake interest

Bold title. Accurate? Well, let’s see. I’m nearly 40. I don’t know if I believe that ‘life begins at 40’, I certainly don’t feel as close to a beginning of anything, or as young and...

Changing of the guard

It’s been a little bit of a while since I wrote here. Mostly I’ve been busy with moving house and some work stuff. I dislike moving house. I am, if nothing else, a creature of habit, and moving house –...

Walking in shadows

I don’t know what it is about this time of year but a surprising number of my projects seem to happen around this part of it. Not the work ones, those are all year round, but the non-work ones, those seem to...

Frameworks, schmameworks?

Apologies for the title. The title sucks, but it does reflect how I feel. I’ve done my share of dabbling in various things over the years – PHP is where I’ve made my home, and I’ve tried several...

The RPG loot train

I just want to talk for a few minutes about the ridiculousness of the RPG loot train. Now, I’ve played my share of both primarily single-player campaign RPGs that do the loot grind (hello Diablo II, I didn’t...

What’s in a name?

It’s a wonderful quote from what is one of my least favourite Shakespeare plays. I play my English Literature class back in the day for foisting Romeo & Juliet upon me at a time I was neither emotionally or...

Forks in the road

Every day brings choices, and every day, every one of those micro-decisions brings with it a realm of near-infinite possibility. Of the what-might-have-been, of the never-were. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and...

Going full circle

It has been a long time since I had a blog in the strictest sense. It feels a bit surreal, if I’m honest. More specifically, the last… at least ten years, everything I’ve built was towards a purpose. A...

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